638x479 - There is a small avulsion from the dorsum of the triquetrum seen only on the the pisiform overlies the triquetrum in the ap and oblique views and tends to obscure the fracture (white.
Original Resolution: 638x479 Triquetral Fracture Direct trauma (commonly accompanied by lunate/perilunate dislocations). 322x603 - Most of these fractures are dorsal avulsion fractures at the attachment of the radiocarpal ligament.
Original Resolution: 322x603 Triquetral Fracture With Associated Pisiform Subluxation Smj Triquetral fractures are usually best seen on the lateral radiograph of the wrist. 271x600 - Casts and splints are orthopedic devices that are used to protect and support fractured or injured bones and joints.
Original Resolution: 271x600 Triquetrum Fracture Hand Orthobullets Ulnomeniscal triquetral dorsal glide test. 160x227 - It is one of the eight small carpal bones in the wrist and the second most commonly fractured carpal.
Original Resolution: 160x227 Triquetrum Fracture Hand Orthobullets Most common type of triquetral fracture. 2193x552 - Posted on march 4, 2019 by edg17001.
Original Resolution: 2193x552 Simultaneous Triquetrum Lunate And Capitate Interosseous Ganglion Cysts Journal Of Orthopaedic Case Reports Triquetral fractures are carpal bone fractures generally occuring on the dorsal surface of the triquetrum. 500x500 - The triquetral may be fractured by means of impingement from the ulnar styloid, shear.
Original Resolution: 500x500 Triquetral Fracture S62 113a 814 03 Eorif This study examines triquetral fracture data from six hospital centres between 2009 and 2018. 1500x732 - The triquetral bone is located in the wrist on the medial side of the proximal row of the carpus between the lunate and pisiform.
Original Resolution: 1500x732 Triquetrum Fracture Hand Orthobullets Triquetrum fractures in isolation are uncommon. 517x389 - A triquetral bone is fractured less frequently when compared to the fractures of the scaphoid and lunate bones of the same area.
Original Resolution: 517x389 Carpal Fractures Other Than Scaphoid In The Athlete Musculoskeletal Key Rare in triquetral body fractures. 807x1197 - A triquetral bone is fractured less frequently when compared to the fractures of the scaphoid and lunate bones of the same area.
Original Resolution: 807x1197 Hand And Wrist Emergencies Chapter 1 Orthopedic Emergencies Isolated avulsion or shear fractures involving the dorsal.